Anyways the reason for this insanity is today my son broke the 45 minute nap mark. You go Baby! This is a major milestone for him considering just 2 weeks ago he couldn't go to sleep on his own and I had to carry him in a sling for naps. Everytime he woke up usually at 20 min and 45 min, I would have walk and jiggle to get him back to sleep until he had a full nap.
Now he's sleeping in his crib, but naps have been tough. 45 minutes was not enough for him and he would wake up fussy and we would start the process all over again..all day long. Eat, Play, Sleep, Eat, Play, Sleep. I stopped swaddling once we started sleep training and he was able to go to sleep. They say developmentally its good to stop swaddling around 4 months so they get to use thier arms and legs. But he still has some of his startle reflex, his overactive legs wake him up at each sleep cycle, but at night he is able to resettle, but not in the day. So I started swaddling just his legs today. Seems to have worked. Longer naps mean more rest for him, less fussiness, and some downtime for me to finally get some work done. Will this trend continue? I hope. We'll you know with babies each day is different.