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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kids Garbage Truck Videos

If your 2 year old is like my son, trash day is a major highlight in the week.  Who knew?    He can hear them miles away and starts screaming with joy.  "Garbage truck!  Garbage truck!  Hear That? " Then he's so excited his whole body shakes as he clenches his fist when he smiles with joy.

I'll have what he's having please.: )

Since the garbage man can't come everyday, we've resorted to YouTube videos on the day we miss him.  I know, I don't like my son watching too many videos, but a few minutes of pre-screened videos can really get you through the day.  I'm amazed that my son can be so entertained by dumpsters and trash cans.  Side-loaders, Front-loaders, etc.

Here's a tribute to our friendly neighborhood garbage  (recycling) man.  Now we can watch our own video over and over.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Giveaway for New Moms!

I wish I had one of these when I was a new mom.   It's called my bum book.  It was created by mother of 2, Cory Kingston. It's basically a baby journal and keepsake that helps you track your baby's feedings, dirty diapers, nap times and other milestones. 

This would have been much better than the little worksheet grid that the hospital gave me and then the random notebooks and sheets of paper I used to track all my baby's sleep, eat, pee, poop schedules.  I still have them in the corner of my office if you can believe it.   They are a mess of chicken scratches on paper that I haven't gotten around to throwing away yet.   I will probably not keep them since they are not very organized, but if I used this book I might have kept it as a keepsake.

It's actually very simple.  The first few pages help you keep track of basic information-pediatrician, poison control, emergency information, immunizations, and growth stats.   Then it's basically a 2 month 24/7  grid to help you track your baby's schedule all in one place.  The simple layout allows you to see trends and patterns. It helps keep you neat and organized which is what a new mom needs.

Enter the giveaway and Win a Bum Book!
1. Subscribe to The Zen Mom and let us know you are a subscriber with a comment.
2. Visit Bumble Stuff and comment back with your thoughts.
3. Follow The ZenMom on Twitter, tweet about it and comment.
Contest ends October 22, 2010 11:59pm PST

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hilarious Video!

Happy Friday!  I love my mom friends, but sometimes we just can't stop talking about our kids, right?  This video is so funny I just had to share.  Take a look!   It's from this webseries Mompetition on a new site  Xtranormal videos are digitally animated and voiced by a type recognition system.  Take a look. 

 Why I Can't Make Mom Friends

Friday, September 3, 2010

Making Play dough!

NeatReceipts Mobile Scanner and Digital Filing System
Play dough Fun!

When I saw homemade play dough at my son school, I thought "How cool!" and the teachers said it was so easy to make.    Unfortunately, I never got around to making any, until today.     My son helped me mix all the ingredients and pick the colors he wanted.   It only takes a few minutes to make a batch.   As you can see we made three-(blue, red, and green).  The only thing is you have to cook it for a few minutes, so make sure you keep your toddler away from the stove.

There are variations of the same recipe out there.  Cream of tartar is what really makes it thicken.  I tried just mixing flour and water without a recipe once.  It didn't work so well.  There are ones that use cornstarch or even kool-aid.  If you want to be earth-friendly just leave out the food coloring.

Here's a simple recipe I liked:
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 2 teaspoons oil
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • food coloring
Pour all ingredients into pot, except water.  Then add food coloring to the water and pour into pot.  Stir over medium heat.  It will start off kind of mushy and slowly turn into a ball of playdough.  Remove from pan and knead until blended smooth. Place in plastic bag or airtight container when cooled.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Making Baby Food!

I just started feeding my 2nd solids. This baby food maker makes it a breeze.  It steams, purees, and reheats all-in-one, so no need to use several appliances which means less dishes. :)

Even though I knew about it a few years ago, I heard it had BPA.  So I went the steamer and cuisinart route instead. First I steamed, then pureed, then froze the left overs and I don't like using the microwave for baby so to reheat I used another dish and steamed again.  Yikes! Seems like a lot of work and it was, but my baby was worth it right?  I wanted to keep him BPA-free.  Well turns out the Cuisinart may have BPA in it afterall.  Great? But now a few years have passed and the research I found says The Beaba Babycook is BPA Free and even says so on the box. 

So this time around I'm using the Babycook.  
How To Use 
There's level 1, 2 or, 3 which measures how much water you use.  For example pears are 2, squash is 3.  You fill it up to the line and pour the water into the other side.   Put your fruit or veggie in the basket.  Twist the lid shut and put it on the steam icon.  The light goes on, when it's done the light will go off.  Turn off the steamer, open the lid, remove the basket and put the food in the mixer, shut the lid and put it on the blend icon.  Voila-baby food!

It takes roughly about 10-15 minutes to cook something and about 7 minutes to reheat a frozen cube so I've found I've been making more fresh food each meal rather than freezing large batches.  When you reheat food it needs to go in another container that you place in the basket.

Observations about Starting Solids
-There's no rush.  (I couldn't wait to feed my first, second time around I wasn't so anxious.  Who needs more to do and clean with 2 kids. She was fine on just breastmilk.  I waited until 6 months.)
-Rice Cereal is constipating.  (Even though it was both my kids first food, I think if I were to do it again I'd start with veggies.)  
-Make sure you have bibs and supplies ready.
Here's what I used:
-First Food Serving Bowl-I love this serving bowl-it comes with 2 sections for puree and cereal and a soft spoon.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Giving Back!

I know most of us have the best intentions to donate our time or to give back, but sometimes we get so caught up in our daily mom lives we forget or just run out of energy and it gets pushed to the bottom of our "to do" list.

But now it's time to take action. What do you believe in? How can you make a difference?

This week I asked myself that question. I have been meaning to donate to a charity, not just going to some fundraiser, but actually finding out about the organization, its mission and then help.
I decided to dedicate my energy to Fresh Start Surgical Gifts. An organization that provides free reconstructive and plastic surgery to children and young adults in San Diego. Giving them a Fresh Start.

My son was born with a cleft lip.  He had surgery at 3 months. 

He is now a healthy, happy, active 2 year old and I am grateful for that.  It was hard in the beginning, first discovering he had a cleft when I was in my third trimester, then going through the surgery and the healing process. But imagine looking at your child and not being able to give them what they need. We had insurance and were able to give him the surgery, but many kids don't have that chance.  Everytime I go to Rady Children's Hospital  I get emotional.  I see children and their families, each one has their own story.  I hope each one will get their own happy ending.
All the money donated to Fresh Start goes towards helping kids during surgery weekends, which happens about 7 times a year. The next one is in a few weeks and will give more than 80 kids what my son got, a fresh start, a chance to be himself, not affected by what he looks like.

So that is why I chose this organization.  But there are hundreds of organizations that need your help.  Take a little time today and give back.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Oprah's My OWN Show-The Zen Mom

So a few weeks before the deadline, I find out about OPRAH's Search for the Next TV Star -Your OWN Show.  She's teamed up with Mark Burnett for the reality show and the winner will get their own show on her new network OWN set to launch on 1/1/11.

How exciting! I never thought I would audition for a reality show since I can't really sing, dance, and I'm kind of private, but My Own Show.  I would love that!

I debated over and over whether to enter, the clock was ticking!  You had 3 minutes to tell them about yourself, your passion and your show.  I love TV and believe it has the power to inspire, educate, entertain, and give people a voice and I've always wanted to be a part of it.

First I tried taping myself, when the kids were napping.  That didn't work so well. Then finally this weekend I got my husband, my kids, my mother-in law and other moms to help. So I finally submitted an audition, but it was on the last day.  It took forever to load and I had to answer pages and pages of questions.    It didn't show up on the website right away, so I didn't know if they even got it.  I've been anxious for days, but finally today it was uploaded.
So here it is!  Check it out!
The Zen Mom Oprah's My OWN Show Audition
I should find out by the end July.  In the end they will pick 10 finalists for the show, at least one finalist will be chosen from the top 5 online vote getters (top guy at 8 Million+ yikes) and the rest will be up to the producers.

So the lesson learned is, don't procrastinate. I know it's easier said then done. If you want to do something, just do it.  Thinking without action, just made me dizzy.
I'm just glad I did it.  It feels good to focus and finish something and going through all that has inspired me to get some other things done.  Next challenge.  To clean my closet. :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine’s Day?
When I was a kid, Chinese New Year meant I got little red envelopes filled with money and we ate lots of food.  Now as an adult we still eat lots of food, but it’s about more than red envelopes-it’s about family and tradition.
This year the first day of the Chinese New Year is February 14th, which also happens to be Valentine’s Day.  So you can bring on the red and pink and say “Gung Hey Fat Choy and I Love You!”
It’s the Year of the Tiger. The Tiger is the 3rd sign in the Chinese Zodiac cycle and it is a sign of bravery.   Unllike the Western Zodiac which is based on birthdates, the Chinese Zodiac is based on birth years. Year of the Tiger is said to be filled with drama and there is often tension and unpredictability in the air. Astrologers say 2010 will bring far reaching changes for everyone.  What's your sign and what's ahead for you in 2010?  Click here. 
Traditionally before the new year, you should clean the house-out with the old to welcome the new. On New Year’s Eve the family comes together to celebrate with a big dinner and to welcome the new year with happiness, success, good fortune and luck. On New Year’s Day you should wear brand new clothes and decorate the house with red symbols.
Since I have a newborn and a toddler, my house is “sort of” clean, my parents are coming to my house instead, were having a New Year’s Day lunch, I’m still wearing my maternity shirts and my house is decorated with my son’s fingerpaint art. Who says you can’t create your own traditions?
But we are still having a big feast. It’s amazing to me how much symbolism is in the food. A traditional meal should always include a whole fish-this represents success, dumplings-this symbolizes money and prosperity, and noodles stand for longevity.
As for the red envelopes, it’s a way to pass on good luck to the next generation so now that I’m an adult, I’ll be the one giving them out.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh My Aching Back!

    I am now six weeks postpartum and I just got my doctors OK to get back into my exercise routine. With a toddler and a newborn one thing I need to be mindful of is my back. I never had back problems, until I became a mom.  After my first was born I remember all the late night feedings, rocking to sleep, into the crib, out of the crib, until one night I bent over to put him down and I couldn't move.  I guess that's what people mean when they say my back went out. 
     Then with my second, my back pain came in the third trimester.  She was sitting on my nerve endings for the last month and the only time I wasn't in pain was when I was sitting still, but with a toddler how do you do that?   
     But how do you prevent getting injured in the first place? What should moms know during pregnancy and postpartum?  I asked Chiropractor Dr. Dalya Rubanenko. 

What are the most common problems/issues you see in pregnant women?
  • 2/3 of expectant mothers will suffer low back and pelvis pain by week 36. One reason is the hormone called relaxin and the second is the change in body structure. Relaxin is present in 10x the normal concentration in expectant mothers. This hormone relaxes the joints in the pelvis so that the baby has room to pass through the birth canal, unfortunately it can cause abnormal motion in many joints and cause inflammation and pain. It's a misconception that pregnant women have various pains because of the weight gain. I will often see women in their 14th week with severe low back or midback pain.   
  • Besides low back pain (more often right side over left), sacroiliitis pain, sciatica, mid back pain (along the bra line), headaches and neck pain, pubic symphysis pain, carpal tunnel sydrome (secondary to pregnancy), round ligament strains, swelling in the lower legs, calf cramps and foot pain (plantar fasciitis) are common.
What can women do proactively to avoid these problems?

  • Motion for the spine-through motion blood flow is increased in the spine which helps with healing and repair.
  • Light Exercise-walking, swimming and doing light weights early on in the pregnancy can help prevent pain in the future. No jarring or bouncing motions are not recommended.  
  • Strengthen low back and core early on in pregnancy.
  • Increase upper body strength -The baby may only be 6-10 lbs, however the constant carrying of the baby, lifting of the car seat and other baby equipment and other activities often puts a lot of undue stress on a woman's upper body leading to neck pain and upper back pain. 
  • Get a pregnancy brace in the 3rd trimester-The right brace can make all the difference between being housebound vs. working and/or doing the necessary errands. 
How do you treat these problems?
  • Ice over heat. Heat will make you feel better, ice will GET YOU BETTER. Preferably a soft gel pack for 15 minutes on the site of pain (never on the abdomen).  Ice goes through four stages. Cold, burny, achy and numb. In order for it to be beneficial it needs to get to the numb stage. So hang in there. The first three stages pass within 3 minutes.
  • Often expectant women have sacroiliitis (low back pain) with associated sciatica (leg pain) because the relaxin has caused the SACRO-ILIAC joint to slightly shift.  A very gentle adjustment of that joint (or whichever joint has shifted incorrectly) there is significant improvement of the symptoms within 1-5 days in most cases.
  • Having adjustments every one to two weeks throughout your pregnancy will help to keep your joints moving properly. I usually combine the adjustments with massage. 
What are some simple exercises women can do?
  • Standing extensions-Rocking backwards, while your feet are placed hip length apart and then standing up straight  (10-15 every hour). This will slacken the nerve root and also bring blood flow into the spine. You may feel some light pressure in your abdominal area, but you will feel a decrease in pain. This cobra like stretch can be done very early on in the pregnancy (up to week 14, depending on a woman's growth) to help give relief. Later on in the pregnancy this can be performed on pregnancy tables.
  • Upper body strengthening- Bicep curls, half pushups, hammer curls and rotator cuff strengthening are really important. 
  • Single Leg Raises-During the third trimester many pregnant women are slightly off balance  because of the shift of their body weight. I have seen many women in my office who have tripped or stepped off a curb incorrectly or with ankle strains. To prevent this, I emphasize simple exercises like single leg raises to strengthen the calves and also standing on one foot during the day to improve their balance.
  • Quadricep Stretches-The hip flexors can also become shortened and tighter during pregnancy. Simply doing quadricep stretches while standing on one leg or placing a knee on a chair and leaning backwards can help prevent the hip flexor tightness and decrease low back pain.
Dr. Dalya Rubanenko , also known as "Dr. Ruby" is a licensed Chiropractor serving the San Diego community for 10 years and has worked with dozens of pregnant women and new moms.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kitchen Helper vs. Learning Tower

Guidecraft Kitchen Helper and Little Partners Learning Tower
If your looking for a stepstool for your toddler- here's a better long-term alternative that is safe. They look identical and do pretty much the same thing, but how do you choose between the two.  Now that my son is almost 2 he loves helping in the kitchen and being with everyone.  When I was pregnant it was hard to pick him up all the time to wash his hands and he kept trying to stand on his tippy toes and pull things off of the table and counter, which was dangerous. Then my friend told me about these products, but which one do you choose?

Click Here to see a video comparing the two products.  You decide.

I decided to go with the Little Partners Learning Tower. It's a little more expensive than the kitchen helper, but seemed more sturdy and can fit 2 kids, which is good for me since I have 2 now. The kitchen helper folds up so it's more convenient if you want to hide it away. I'll give you a full review once my son gets some use out of it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Favorite Strollers

With a new baby and a toddler I need a double stroller.  For months I debated front and back or side by side.  In the end I stuck with the BOB, which is what I have now and got a Duallie Side by Side. The Bob Stroller with regular wheels is slightly cheaper, but I like the smaller size of the 12" and since I don't really use it for jogging I don't need the bigger wheels.   I just love how The BOB maneuvers, at first I thought it would be too heavy, but it's really easy to use and my husband loves it too.
But if you want to use it for your baby you need the infant car seat adapter which also allows you to add a snack tray for your toddler which comes with it.

This is the stroller I use for quick trips, travel and when I was pregnant and couldn't lift the Bob out of the car.  It's inexpensive, lightweight, and it reclines slightly.  I debated between this and Maclaren, but in the end I'm glad I went with Inglesina, especially with the recall.

This is what I used for my son until about 5 months and now my daughter when they can sit up in a regular stroller.  I just snap in my Graco Snugride Car Seat and I'm all set.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to Induce Labor Naturally

Happy New Year! So I finally had my baby-4 days late, which isn’t that long, but since it was my second baby and I was expecting her to come early, everyday got more and more frustrating. Texts and e-mails-"Any baby yet?" No, not yet! I didn’t want to induce and my doctor had scheduled one that week depending on how my tests went as far as amniotic fluid levels and size. So I was feeling the pressure. Everything looked okay so far there was no reason yet to start the pitocin. I started searching for ways to induce naturally. The most common suggestions are of course walking, sex, spicy foods, etc. Here's a link for more suggestions. I was really big and heavy and my back was hurting, but I walked and walked. This is me at the zoo three days before I finally gave birth. I was getting contractions and thought today is the day. People were looking at me funny. Then nothing-it was false labor, but a few days later I gave birth to healthy 9 lb. 8oz. girl. Yikes!
Acupressure points video 
I don’t know if any of these methods actually worked. But the night before I went into labor I did acupressure massage, self visualization, and danced with my husband for an hour.  So if you are waiting like I was and getting frustrated you might want to give it a try. Can't hurt.  For my birth story checkout my blog "A Nurse Delivered My Baby" on MomLogic. 

Monday, January 4, 2010

Nursery to Transportation Toddler Room

Now that my son's crib was passed down to his baby sister, what do I do with him?  He had outgrown his turquoise and mocha beach theme nursery and was ready for a "sort of" big kid room. But since he is only 19 months he's not ready for a toddler room yet and I'm not ready for him to crawl out of bed on his  own -so that meant another crib.

So I decided to get a convertible crib in espresso-Baby's Dream Serenity. So soon it will convert to toddler bed and then with new rails a twin bed. Then instead of a changing table I bought a dresser.

For all his toys I needed storage. I love this 6-Cube Bookcase
in espresso filled with canvas storage bins and metal buckets all from The Land of Nod to pull all the colors together.

As a tribute to his love of trucks and trains I went with a transportation theme. What is it with boys and thier choo choo's ? He can't get enough.  Notice how I left a few of his white nursery items behind-so what if they don't match. It allowed me to leave a few of his baby things in the room.

I like to keep things simple, being pregnant I didn't want a whole remodel so I went with decals and art to change up the room and central theme colors of red and blue to go with the dark wood.

                                                               TheseTransportation Decals

are great, they are inexpensive, look good and peel right off like stickers and you can reuse them over and over in different locations.  I put them on the door, used them to dress up his trash can, and even made art work out of them. I just took some canvas painted them blue and red and put a decal on them.

I used canvas storage bins, a lamp, curtains, and personalized chair and other Land of Nod accessories to pull all the colors together.  He also loves his
transportation rug. For more nursery and room decorating ideas check out Project Nursery.