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Friday, September 24, 2010

Hilarious Video!

Happy Friday!  I love my mom friends, but sometimes we just can't stop talking about our kids, right?  This video is so funny I just had to share.  Take a look!   It's from this webseries Mompetition on a new site  Xtranormal videos are digitally animated and voiced by a type recognition system.  Take a look. 

 Why I Can't Make Mom Friends

Friday, September 3, 2010

Making Play dough!

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Play dough Fun!

When I saw homemade play dough at my son school, I thought "How cool!" and the teachers said it was so easy to make.    Unfortunately, I never got around to making any, until today.     My son helped me mix all the ingredients and pick the colors he wanted.   It only takes a few minutes to make a batch.   As you can see we made three-(blue, red, and green).  The only thing is you have to cook it for a few minutes, so make sure you keep your toddler away from the stove.

There are variations of the same recipe out there.  Cream of tartar is what really makes it thicken.  I tried just mixing flour and water without a recipe once.  It didn't work so well.  There are ones that use cornstarch or even kool-aid.  If you want to be earth-friendly just leave out the food coloring.

Here's a simple recipe I liked:
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 2 teaspoons oil
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • food coloring
Pour all ingredients into pot, except water.  Then add food coloring to the water and pour into pot.  Stir over medium heat.  It will start off kind of mushy and slowly turn into a ball of playdough.  Remove from pan and knead until blended smooth. Place in plastic bag or airtight container when cooled.